Daily Gold UpdateGold

Gold Finds a New Buyer: Insights from Lobo Tiggre

Gold’s recent rise in value is often linked to worries about things like conflicts between countries and economic instability. But Lobo Tiggre, an expert who studies these things, says that’s not the whole story. In an interview with Jeremy Szafron from Kitco News, Tiggre explained that the reasons behind gold’s price going up are more complex than just conflicts between countries, like the ones between Iran and Israel.

Tiggre says all the news is about problems between countries, but gold has been going up for a few months already. So, he doesn’t think those problems are the main reason for it. He pointed out that besides the usual central banks buying gold, there are now new people buying it too. This change is important because it shows that more people want gold, not just central banks. It means gold prices might stay high for a while.”

Unlocking the Truth: Gold’s ‘Real’ All-Time High

Tiggre talked about how when we talk about gold prices hitting highs, it might not give the full picture. He said that if we adjust for inflation, which means taking into account how prices of things have gone up over time, the real high for gold would be much higher. He mentioned it could be over $3,400 or $3,500.

This is important because right now, people are worried about prices going up a lot, which is called inflation. Tiggre mentioned that even though some experts said inflation wasn’t a big deal anymore, recent events suggest otherwise. This shows that the economy might not be as stable as some thought, which could be good news for gold prices.

Unlocking the Potential: Exploring the Future of Gold

Looking ahead, Tiggre sees a bright future for gold. He thinks it’s not just because of economic signs but also because more people are realizing its importance during uncertain times. He mentioned that even small changes in how investors think can have a big impact on how much gold is wanted and its prices.

He said, “If just 1% of people worldwide decide to put a little bit of their money into safe metals like gold, it could double the demand for it.


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