Gold worth Rs700 billion has been found in Attock. This discovery covers an area of 32 km and includes about 2.8 million tolas of gold. Punjab’s Minister of Minerals, Sardar Sher Ali Gorchani, announced the news, which could greatly help Pakistan’s economy.
How the Gold Was Found In Attock
The Geological Survey of Pakistan discovered these reserves. The government has been working on this for some time. Experts from Nespak and other companies will check the value of the gold found in Attock.
Auction Plans
The gold will be auctioned next month. International buyers will be invited to participate. Rules are in place to ensure fairness, and the Attock deputy commissioner will lead the auction committee.
Protecting the Gold Reserves In Pakistan
To stop illegal mining, the Punjab government has enforced Section 144. This action has successfully prevented theft. The Punjab cabinet will finalize the auction rules in their next meeting.
The gold discovery in Attock is a big step for Pakistan’s economy. The upcoming auction will attract global interest. For more updates on gold trends, visit Daily Gold Signal. You can also check out this category for daily gold updates.