Gold price in Pakistan went up significantly on Thursday. The rate for 24-karat gold climbed to Rs274,700 per tola, reflecting a surge of Rs1,100. Likewise, the rate for 10 grams of 24-karat gold increased by Rs943, reaching Rs235,511, as reported by the All-Pakistan Gems and Jewelers Sarafa Association (APGJSA).
Gold Rates Update
The rate for 22-karat gold price in Pakistan climbed higher, attaining Rs215,885 per 10 grams. Meanwhile, silver rates remained steady, with 24-karat silver valued at Rs3,350 per tola and Rs2,872 per 10 grams in the domestic market.
PKR (24-karat per tola) | Jan 02, 2025 | Jan 01, 2025 | DoD | 1 Month | FYTD | CYTD |
Gold | 274,700 | 273,600 | 1,100 | -500 | 33,000 | 2,100 |
Silver | 3,350 | 3,350 | 0 | -50 | 500 | 0 |
International Market Trends
Globally, spot gold prices traded at approximately $2,638 per ounce, marking a rise of $14.8 or 0.56% compared to the prior session. This increase reflects continued optimism in the gold market following a record-breaking 2024. Investors are closely monitoring U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s anticipated policy changes, which could significantly impact economic conditions and interest rates.
Why Gold Prices Are Rising
Gold remains a safe-haven investment, especially during periods of economic uncertainty. Factors like fluctuating currency values, global market dynamics, and geopolitical concerns play a role in the increasing demand and prices for gold.
Key Highlights:
- Domestic Update: The price of 24-karat gold jumped by Rs1,100 per tola.
- Stable Silver Rates: No change in silver prices domestically.
- Global Momentum: Spot gold rose by 0.56% globally.
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